Yep, it’s me!
I have been worried about my poor plum tree these days. When spring sprung, all 4 of my fruit tree were in bloom! I was so excited since last year only the apricot and white peach trees looked as through they would have edible fruit. This year it was the apricot, white peach, nectarine, and plum trees, all looking like they were going to be bountiful.
Then I started to notice that what was happening last year to the plum tree, was happening again! I did get a lot more fruit and leaves this year on this plum tree, but once again, the fruit was looking, well, how do I describe it? Not well is an understatement, and ill doesn’t quite cover it either, but I’ll say it just looks sickly.
My extent of growing anything is put it in dirt and water it, then cross my fingers and hope for the best! That should give you some idea of what my gardens are like. They tend to make it inspite of my care, well…if they are tough enough that is.
I have made a video asking if anyone knows what is going on with my poor plum tree. Feel free to go and watch it and comment on the video if you know what is wrong and what the cure is! Click here for the Poor Little Plum Tree video. (Be warned, my video is full of drama over my tree because I really enjoy editing and I could do it, so…the drama lives…ha!) I would LOVE to save that little tree! I’ve only had it a couple of years and I’m beginning to wonder if the people that sold it to me, sold me a sick tree. It’s very possible since I have NO idea what I’m doing. *sigh*
I was looking forward to all the fruit last year, but the greedy birds left me NOTHING! It was a masacre! Here is the video of the white peach and apricot trees of what was left after the greedy little buggers came visiting! This video, “Spring Into Summer – The Fruit Trees” shows the beginning of why my view of our feathered friends has changed into a view of our feathered enemies. I was willing to share some…they weren’t!
When I was a kid, there were fruit trees everywhere and the people just watered the trees when they watered the grass! I didn’t see anyone doing anything with the trees. They just grew and every year we would pick the fruit and eat them; plums, peaches, pomegranates, lemons, oranges, and avocados to name a few. There were many nuts and berries too. I guess I am just naive in thinking that these trees just grow naturally and all is well…or not…