Category Archives: Daily Chatter

My Thoughts on Quitting Smoking

Back in April of 2010, (April 4, 2010 to be exact) and after what I consider my whole life, I quit smoking! Yep…I did it and it was surprisingly easy this time! I read the book, “The Easy Way to … Continue reading

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I survived…barely

Yes…I survived the completed trip around the sun! It was touch and go there for awhile! I didn’t know if I would make it through the day intact!  As I’m sure you have gathered with your keen senses, I did make … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Chatter, Latest News, Random Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Another Trip Completed

Yes…I did it! I completed yet another trip around the sun! 53 trips now. That can’t be right? That just doesn’t look right seeing that in black and white!  Yikes!!  Surely that’s a typo?? Should be 35! Ok…35 it is. … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Chatter | 6 Comments

A Zeitgeist Webcast Tonight

I just thought I’d add this little news update. I don’t know if you remember or if you were even here when I mentioned the Zeitgeist movement stuff?? Maybe I didn’t mention it here?? In any event, I have a little … Continue reading

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More Dentist Chatter

Another bit of “Daily Chatter” about my dental progress. I went back to the new dentist yesterday! Things are moving along nicely. I’ll be SO happy when all this dental reconstruction stuff is out of the way. I told my dentist that … Continue reading

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